
Meet Mister Splashy Pants Jr.!

We got him last month. He's now swimming lazily everyday and sharing the aquarium space with Gustav Miroslav and Deborah Watson.

Disclaimer: I just made up the names. But since they don't have names yet, so why not?


Anonymous said...

Hi Papa Rian!

Gue kira a photo a day nya itu foto2nya si Rian taunya foto ikan mas...huhuhu.

Rian udah bisa ngomong wawawawa mamama ya?

Fakhrur said...

Well, for now is random photos.. ;) But later, I will put his photos..

Rian is not yet speaking; but can already babbles mamama, uwawawa, etc.

Anonymous said...

LOVE these names!! ;)

Fakhrur said...

Thanks b.! I even don't know if one is male or the other one is female ;p